AER Blog Post #1

Hello everyone! As I have finished my Genius Hour project, from now on many of my posts will be focused instead on my Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting course.

Now that I've had my first class in this course, I feel as though I have some - but not enough - clarity on the differences between assessment, evaluation and reporting. I know that all three are connected, but different.

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Genius Hour Post Four

Well, it looks like the time has finally come. The time for my Genius Hour project to come to an end. It's bittersweet, but it has been a great five weeks. The idea of taking just a small amount of time each week to work on a personal project is one that I'm sure I'll not only include in future classroom experiences, but also my personal life.

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Genius Hour Post Three

One thing I have learned throughout my Genius Hour Project is that an overwhelming number of edutainment games are directed at children between the ages of preschool and grades two and three. I never noticed this before - while games certainly do exist for older students, I didn't realize that there were a lot less than those directed at younger students.

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Google Expeditions - Learning Object

I'm familiar with the idea of Google Cardboard - I actually have a Cardboard viewer around my house somewhere - but somehow, until recently, I'd managed to not hear about Google Expeditions. 
Google Expeditions are, essentially, a futuristic and lower-budget field trip. I say lower rather than just low because the materials per-student are still not cheap...sort of. Let me explain.

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